Rafal Lukawiecki (Project Botticelli LTD) je eden najbolj priljubljenih predavateljev in je med drugim kot strateški svetovalec pri podjetju Project Botticelli LTD odgovoren za analizo in napovedovanje trendov na področju informacijske tehnologije. Je velik strokovnjak na področju poslovne inteligence, statistike, podatkovnega rudarjenja, varnosti in kriptografije, IT-arhitekture ter dobrih poslovnih rešitev in je eden najbolj priljubljenih govorcev na Microsoftovih dogodkih. Njegova sposobnost pojasnjevanja najbolj zapletenih strokovnih pojmov na preprost in razumljiv način ter njegov edinstven energičen nastop pritegneta vsakega poslušalca. Poleg več predavanj v rednem delu se nam bo pridružil tudi na četrtem, pokonferenčnem dnevu, ki bo tako kot lani s poglobljenimi predavanji namenjen najzahtevnejšim udeležencem konference. Na njegovem seminarju "Microsoftove rešitve za poslovno inteligenco" bomo četrti dan konference preučevali različne pristope k reševanju poslovne inteligence z uporabo Microsoftove platforme BI.
A-to-Z of Usable Security in Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7
- Stopnja 300
25. maj 2010 08:45
There’s so much to cover here! AppLocker for enterprise control of what can or cannot run. BitLocker to Go (and Enhanced Storage Access) for full volume encryption of removable devices builds on top of tried and tested BitLocker which no laptop or a branch server should be without. Secure DirectAccess architecture on your servers to allow employees access corporate resources without a traditional VPN - only Microsoft has this ground-breaking technology at the moment! Multiple firewall client profiles. Streamlined UAC for a better user experience and more control. Enhanced Auditing for simplified yet more informative compliance insight into who is doing (or trying to do) in your organisation. We also have a new control panel for Biometrics, HTTP enrolment for PKI certificates, support for PIV smartcards, Managed and Virtual Service Accounts. All of this on top of Kernel Patch Protection, Service Hardening, Data Execution Prevention, Address Space Layout Randomization, Mandatory Integrity Levels and some other security features previously introduced in Windows Server 2008 (which will not be discussed in much detail in this session, as we concentrate on the new features). Because of the speaker’s passion for cryptography, this session will also summarise the state of this technology as built into Windows 7 and Server R2, such as changes to EFS (now fully supporting Suite-B!), guiding you to make the right and avoid the wrong choices while securing your assets. Because there is just so much to cover, we won’t go into too much detail on each feature but we will cover so much we can be sure you will get a full “big picture” of how Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 provide user-friendly (and that includes administrators) security making it perhaps the most secure OS platform on the market