Rhonda Layfield je svetovno priznana predavateljica , redna gostja na mednarodnih IT konferencah, soavtorica knjig “Windows Server 2003” ter “Windows Server 2008”, ki trenutno sodeluje tudi pri pisanju "Microsoft's Free Deployment Tools” in redno pripravlja članke za revijo “Windows IT Pro magazine”. Je MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Enginee), Setup and Deployment MVP (Most Valuable Professional) in Desktop Deployment Product Specialist (DDPS). V svoji bogati 25 letni karieri je delala kot komunikacijski strokovnjak v ameriški mornarici in varnostni analitik pri elektro podjetju, kasneje pa številnim velikim podjetjem svetovala pri varnih namestitvah, zaščiti in racionalizaciji njihovih informacijskih virov.
Deploy Windows 7 Using Microsoft’s FREE Deployment Tools
- Stopnja 300
25. maj 2010 14:45
Microsoft’s latest and greatest free deployment tools are awesome! Well that is if you know how to install, configure and manage them. You have more choices today than ever when it comes to choosing your tools. Between Windows Deployment Service (WDS), Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010 (MDT), Windows Automated Installation Kit 2.0 (WAIK) and Config Manager - where do you start? In this session Rhonda will show you how to install, configure, manage,automate and troubleshoot both WDS and MDT. From bare metal installations to migrating Windows XP these tools do it all; create and deploy images, maintain users settings and data. She’ll also share some of the more common mistakes made when setting up and managing WDS and MDT to give you a more successful experience with Microsoft’s free deployment tools