Rhonda Layfield je svetovno priznana predavateljica , redna gostja na mednarodnih IT konferencah, soavtorica knjig “Windows Server 2003” ter “Windows Server 2008”, ki trenutno sodeluje tudi pri pisanju "Microsoft's Free Deployment Tools” in redno pripravlja članke za revijo “Windows IT Pro magazine”. Je MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Enginee), Setup and Deployment MVP (Most Valuable Professional) in Desktop Deployment Product Specialist (DDPS). V svoji bogati 25 letni karieri je delala kot komunikacijski strokovnjak v ameriški mornarici in varnostni analitik pri elektro podjetju, kasneje pa številnim velikim podjetjem svetovala pri varnih namestitvah, zaščiti in racionalizaciji njihovih informacijskih virov.
Install new OSes – no muss, no fuss, no disks needed with Windows Deployment Services (WDS)
- Stopnja 300
25. maj 2010 08:45
WDS replaced RIS a couple of years ago and it’s now better than ever. In the past installing OSes to various levels of hardware (some fast and some slow) was a pain, but now the new multiple stream transfer multicast functionality helps speed up your deployments so be sure you are getting the most out of it, Rhonda can show you how. Maintaining images that contain every single driver you could ever use can really bloat your images, the new WDS handles drivers better with dynamic driver provisioning. And last but not least meet the new supported image format – virtual hard disks or .vhd’s and how they differ from the .wim format.