David Hill je arhitekt programske opreme v Microsoftovi skupini "Patterns & Practice”. V Microsoftu je zaposlen več kot sedem let in je sodeloval pri najrazličnejših projektih in izdelkih, med katerimi so strežnik BizTalk, strategija Architecture Strategy, orodja VSTO in UIFx. V preteklih letih je sodeloval pri številnih projektih, povezanih z vzorci in praksami, med katerimi so Smart Client Architecture Guide, Offline Application Block, CAB, SCSF in Prism. Oglejte si njegov blog na naslovu http://blogs.msdn.com/dphill/
Patterns & practices: Building Flexible, Modular Silverlight & WPF Applications With Prism
- Stopnja 300
25. maj 2010 14:45
Prism provides guidance, via design patterns, to help you build flexible, modular Silverlight and WPF applications. These patterns support unit testing, separation of concerns, loose coupling and the ability to share application logic between Silverlight and WPF applications. Prism includes source code for the library itself, extensive documentation, a sample application that shows how the patterns work together in a real-world application. It also includes a Visual Studio add-in to help you easily share code between WPF and Silverlight. This session provides an overview of Prism, and shows how you can use Prism to design and build composite WPF & Silverlight applications