Ron Jacobs (Microsoft) je t. i. tehnični evangelist v skupini Microsoft Platform, specializiran za Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) in Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), zaslužen pa je tudi za razvoj Microsoftovih produktov .NET Framework in COM+. Je eden najbolj cenjenih govorcev in pisateljev, pohvali pa se lahko tudi z več kot 20-letnimi izkušnjami svetovanja Microsoftovim strankam in partnerjem na področju arhitekture in varnostnih aplikacij.
Scaling the Data Tier with Windows Server AppFabric Caching
- Stopnja 200
26. maj 2010 08:45
The distributed in-memory caching capabilities of Windows Server AppFabric will change how you think about scaling your Microsoft .NET-connected applications. Come learn how the distributed nature of the AppFabric cache allows large amounts of data to be stored in-memory for extremely fast access, how AppFabric's integration with Microsoft ASP.NET makes it easy to add low-latency data caching across the web farm, and discover the unique high availability features of AppFabric which will bring new degrees of scale and resilience to your data tier and your web applications. This is a must attend session for application architects and developers responsible for complex multi-server web