Itzik Ben-Gan (Solid Quality Mentors) je mentor in soustanovitelj Solid Quality Mentors, od leta 1999 pa tudi Microsoft SQL Server MVP (Most Valuable Professional). Je reden in zelo priljubljen govorec na Microsoftovih dogodkih, poznan predvsem po svojih številnih usposabljanjih na temo optimizacije SQL-poizvedb na podatkovno skladišče. Napisal je številne knjige, med drugim Microsoft SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Fundamentals, Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Querying, in Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Programming, napisal pa je tudi številne članke za SQL Server Magazine.
T-SQL’s Magic Wand – The ROW_NUMBER Function
- Stopnja 300
26. maj 2010 16:30
The ROW_NUMBER function in SQL Server is seemingly nothing more than a basic ranking calculation that assigns incrementing integers to the rows in the result set of a query. But in reality this function holds within it immense power waiting to be unleashed to address both performance and complexity aspects of solutions to querying problems. This session will demonstrate an array of problems that can be handled with great efficiency and elegance by using the ROW_NUMBER function.