Ron Jacobs (Microsoft) je t. i. tehnični evangelist v skupini Microsoft Platform, specializiran za Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) in Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), zaslužen pa je tudi za razvoj Microsoftovih produktov .NET Framework in COM+. Je eden najbolj cenjenih govorcev in pisateljev, pohvali pa se lahko tudi z več kot 20-letnimi izkušnjami svetovanja Microsoftovim strankam in partnerjem na področju arhitekture in varnostnih aplikacij.
Uvodno predavanje: Summer is coming, but it will be cloudy
- Stopnja 100
24. maj 2010 09:30
In the last 70 years we have seen may shifts in the way that we use computers. Each time changes in hardware, software and network capabilities made new possibilities available and those who took advantage of the new opportunities built companies that have changed the world. Today we are at the very beginning of a shift toward cloud computing. Why is this happening and what will it mean for the way we build and use software? In this session we take a look at these issues