Ron Jacobs (Microsoft) je t. i. tehnični evangelist v skupini Microsoft Platform, specializiran za Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) in Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), zaslužen pa je tudi za razvoj Microsoftovih produktov .NET Framework in COM+. Je eden najbolj cenjenih govorcev in pisateljev, pohvali pa se lahko tudi z več kot 20-letnimi izkušnjami svetovanja Microsoftovim strankam in partnerjem na področju arhitekture in varnostnih aplikacij.
Windows Server AppFabric and Windows Workflow in .NET 4
- Stopnja 300
26. maj 2010 16:30
Windows Workflow in .NET 4 provides a new way to build web services that support long running processes and now with Windows Server AppFabric we have new capabilities for hosting, management, monitoring and caching. These capabilities are available in Windows Server today and in the near future will also be provided in Windows Azure as well. How do you create programs using these capabilities? How do they support long running business processes? In this session we will answer these questions and many more