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Arhiv predavanj

Agile Project Management with Team Foundation Server 2010

Whether you’re already a certified ScrumMaster, or just know that you want to “be more agile,” Team Foundation Server 2010 offers a wealth of new capabilities to help you manage your projects in a more agile manner. In this session we’ll explore these new capabilities, such as rich relationships between work items, new out-of-the-box reports, agile planning workbooks, ad hoc reporting, and the new Visual Studio Scrum process template. We’ll also show how agile teams can be managed across the enterprise with the forthcoming integration between Team Foundation Server 2010 and Microsoft Project Server.agile techniques as they apply to database development.            

Brian Keller


Brian Keller je Microsoftov tehnični evangelist, specializiran za Visual Studio. Microsoftu se je pridružil leta 2002 in vse od takrat je reden gost mednarodnih IT-konferenc. Je sovoditelj popularne oddaje „This Week on Channel 9” in ima pomembno vlogo na spletni strani MSDN Channel 9, kjer Microsoftovi strokovnjaki v t. i. prispevkih „za kulisami” predstavljajo Microsoftove izdelke in novosti. V prostem času boste Briana morda srečali med pohodništvom, plezanjem, smučanjem ali celo surfanjem.