Boris Kapitanovic is a Technical Director in WorkShares Ltd, which primarily operates out of UK and has its backoffice in Slovenia. The company's primary focus is delivering of SharePoint based solutions for global organizations such as Thomson Reuters, ENRC, as well as for SMEs. Boris has been delivering SharePoint solutions since year 2000 (remember codename Tahoe?) and has since in collaboration with his teams delivered over 90 SharePoint projects. During the last year he has primarily acted as a Lead Solution and/or Technical Architect. In the field of SharePoint 2010 he has been (is) supporting, designing and delivering solutions for companies such as BP, BritishGas/Centrica, McDonalds Europe, and other.
Predavanje je odpovedano - Sharepoint user experience on steroids – Office integration, improved UI & features
- Stopnja 300
24. maj 2011 09:45
Predavanje je odpovedano SharePoint has definitely evolved over the last decade and the 2010 version is there to proove it. One of key SharePoint 2010 concepts that have improved dramatically is the introduction of Application Services. This session will focus on introduction of few end-user facing application services that changed the way of how some solution architecture designs, and consequently user experience, is brought to the interface of an end-user. Boris will scratch the surface of how the SharePoint 2010's Application Services such as Word Automation, Visio Graphics, Excel & PerformancePoint Services changed the way how some of his company's global and SME customers operate today.