Dejan Sarka je vodilni strokovnjak v Sloveniji na področju SQL Server-ja (OLTP) in analitskih (OLAP) rešitev. Dolgoletne izkušnje s postavljanjem in svetovanjem za poslovne sisteme ter analitske rešitve uspešno prenaša na tečajih slovenskim in in tujim udeležencem. V mednarodnem okviru predava predvsem drugim predavateljem. Je ustanovitelj Slovenskega združenja uporabnikov SQL Serverja in razvijalcev. Ima častni naziv MVP – Most Valuable Professional. Kot glavni avtor ali soavtor nastopa pri osmih knjigah za SQL Server 2005 in 2008 v angleškem jeziku, kot edini avtor pa za dva tečaja. Je tudi član podjetja Solid Quality Mentors, ki združuje izključno največje strokovnjake za SQL Server in .NET na svetu, sodeluje pa tudi pri delu za Inštitut za kakovost podatkov.
Enterprise Information Management in Server 2012
- Stopnja 300
24. maj 2012 15:00
Data quality is these days one of the main focuses of many companies. Microsoft is also aware of this problem, and invests continuously in this area. In SQL Server 2012, code name Denali, we get Data Quality Services DQS. Master Data Management MDM is a set of tools, processes, people and rules for managing master data, like customers or products data. The ultimate goal is to ensure maximal possible quality of the master data. A centralized MDM solution serves as a source of master data. With all constraints, defined workflows and people roles, and with tools for data cleansing, it is an authoritative source of master data for other applications in the enterprise. Master Data Services MDS is Microsoft’s centralized MDM solution that was introduced first in SQL Server 2008 R2, and is enhanced substantially in version 2012. In this session, we are going to introduce DQS and MDS, and show how people that are members of a specialized role called data stewardship can work with it.