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Arhiv predavanj

What's New in Visual Studio 11 for Application Lifecycle Management

Microsoft's application lifecycle management tooling is all about enabling teams to deliver great software. In this demo-packed session, you will learn how to more effectively plan and track work by using the new Web-based project management tools- how to bridge the divide between development and operations by utilizing IntelliTrace in your production environments- and how to help keep team members on-task and "in the zone" with the new "My Work" and code review features. In addition to making your team more productive, we will show you how you can boost your overall code quality with new features such as code clone and an overhauled unit testing story in Visual Studio 11

Brian Keller


Brian Keller je Microsoftov višji tehnični evangelist, specializiran za Visual Studio in upravljanje življenjskega cikla aplikacij. Predaval je na konferencah po vsem svetu, ob tem pa vodil programe za predstavitev Microsoftovih tehnologij v razvoju t.i. zgodnjim uporabnikom. Brian je sovoditelj priljubljene oddaje This Week on Channel 9, ima pomembno vlogo na spletnem mestu MSDN Channel 9 in je soavtor knjig Professional Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2010 ter Professional Team Foundation Server 2010.