Clemens Vasters je glavni tehnični vodja ekipe Windows Azure AppFabric pri Microsoftu in soustvarjalec funkcionalnosti Service Bus. Predaval je že na več kot 300 prireditvah, v več kot 40 državah po svetu in je kot govorec že stari znanec slovenske NT konference. Sodeloval je pri različnih usposabljanjih podjetij na Bledu, v Portorožu in v Ljubljani in se izjemno veseli vrnitve na NT konferenco.
Building Hybrid Cloud/On-Premises Solutions
- Stopnja 300
25. april 2013 10:30
In this session, Clemens Vasters, Principal Technical Lead of the Windows Azure Service Bus team, will guide you through the architectural challenges and options for building solutions that span the cloud meaning: any datacenters that isn’t yours, including – of course – Windows Azure and assets that you own either in your own datacenters, in offices, at production facilities, in retail locations, at airports, or in customer households. We will look at scalability and security aspects, cross-platform integration considerations, networking options, and at what other Microsoft customers have done to leverage their existing assets in conjunction with cloud services. Technologies: Windows Azure Service Bus, Windows Azure Connect, AMQP, SignalR