Scott Schnoll (Microsoft) je glavni tehnični pisec v ekipi Exchange pri Microsoftu, kjer skrbi za vsebino načrtovanja in uporabe, visoke razpoložljivosti, odpornost strani, obnovo ob nezgodah ter virtualizacijo za strežnik Exchange. Scott uživa ob pisanju, predavanjih in bloganju o Exchangu. Je priznan pisec, govorec in bloger na temo strežnika Exchange in je tudi avtor knjige »Exchange Server 2003 Distilled« in soavtor »Exchange 2000 Server: The Complete Reference«. Preden se je pridružil Microsoftu je bil dolgoletni nosilec naziva MVP za Exchange, Windows in Right Management Services.
Exchange Server 2013 Architecture Overview
- Stopnja 300
24. april 2013 15:05
Exchange Server 2013 has been redesigned and boasts a new architecture that is different from all previous versions. This session covers the new server architecture in Exchange Server 2013. This session includes details on client access and connectivity flow, Outlook connectivity, namespace and load balancing changes, and the new front-end transport service. This session also includes details on mailbox, store, ESE and related changes, the new search infrastructure, modern public folders, managed availability, and transport high availability and components