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Get ready for Business as a Service Workshop

Workshop background:As an Independent software vendor ISV in today’s software industry, you’ve heard all the excitement and business benefits around the cloud and may have even started to build cloud-based solutions. The rise of cloud services brings both technology and business changes, for most ISVs last are usually harder. To successfully overcome these challenges, we have designed a 1-day Get ready for Business as a Service workshop to help you understand and develop the right business model for your cloud solutions.Workshop framework:Get ready for Business as a Service workshop was designed for a 1-to-few delivery and is based on real life experiences and feedback from more than 100 cloud business enablement engagements with IT providers and best practices in Europe, modified to fit local business environment and market opportunities. It’s not a theoretical workshop – it’s a step-by-step practical program, delivered with close consideration to the markets ISVs are operating in.Workshop purpose & goal:Purpose of Get ready for Business as a Service workshop is to help and support ISVs at positioning in the Cloud marketplace; to get an overview of the market and its business potential, understand the move to Cloud in respect to organizational culture, positioning on the market, reaching the customers, partnerships and the eco-system and present some of the best practices to help Start-ups enable, run and manage their business in Cloud.Participants profile:Business managers, sales managers, business to business sales people

David Balažic

Consalta d.o.o.

David Balažic je direktor in partner svetovalnega podjetja Consalta d.o.o., ki IT podjetjem v regiji centralne in jugo-vzhodne Evrope svetuje o preoblikovanju poslovanja in upravljanju sprememb. V zadnjih dveh letih smo aktivno sodelovali z več kot 40 podjetji iz 13. držav, nabor tako držav kot zadovoljni strank in partnerjev pa uspešno širimo (več: www.consalta.si).  

Marcin Warzocha
