John Craddock je zasnoval in vpeljal najrazličnejše informacijske sisteme – od izredno zmogljivih industrijskih krmilnikov do porazdeljenih informacijskih rešitev. Pri svojem delu se osredotoča na varnost in visoko razpoložljivost. John je igral ključno vlogo pri številnih projektih za pomembne organizacije, kot so Microsoft, vlada Velike Britanije in mednarodna podjetja, ki pri svojem poslovanju potrebujejo optimizirane informacijske sisteme. Pripravil je izobraževalne programe, ki se uporabljajo po vsem svetu, in je eden od avtorjev izredno uspešne knjige o imeniških storitvah Active Directory. Redno predava na najpomembnejših mednarodnih konferencah, med katerimi so TechEd, ITForum in evropska srečanja. John z navdušenjem predstavlja zahtevne tehnične vsebine, pri tem pa s privlačnimi predavanji vedno pritegne pozornost udeležencev. Kot svetovalca ali predavatelja ga je mogoče najeti prek podjetja XTSeminars
Windows Azure Cloud for ITPros
- Stopnja 300
23. april 2013 09:00
Cloud computing offers an organisation the chance to rapidly enhance IT capabilities bringing true scalability and agility to their company’s applications and services. Combine this with the Cloud model of only paying for compute and storage that you use and you have a winning solution. The Windows Azure platform allows you to deploy applications, websites, virtual machines, storage and media services. The platform also includes services for interconnecting applications, and allows the creation of virtual networks and managing identity through the Windows Azure Active Directory. Applications and virtual machines can be accessed via the Internet and/or through a VPN gateway from your on-premise network. Cloud services should be seen as an extension of your on-premise IT environment and your job as an IT Pro should be to manage, control and maximise the potential of these services. There are new skills to learn: new technologies and new approaches to building, deploying and managing applications and services. In this one-day pre-conference event you will learn how to unleash the power of Windows Azure. Topics will be covered in depth with a solid introduced for IT Pros new to Windows Azure. The day will be packed with demos. Become the expert at bringing scalability and agility to your company’s applications and services.