Mark Minasi (MR&D) je avtor številnih uspešnic, pisec, komentator in svetovalec na področju informacijskih tehnologij. Najbolj poznan je po svojih delih "Mastering Windows Server" in "Complete PC Upgrade and Maintenance Guide". Je izredno priljubljen govorec in vodja seminarjev na tehničnih konferencah po svetu, saj s sproščenim in zabavnim pristopom tudi najbolj poglobljenim tehničnim vsebinam vdihne preprostost in zabavnost, pri svojem delu pa je osredotočen na operacijske sisteme in omrežja.
Zaključno predavanje: Stephen Rose and Mark Minasi Answer Your Windows 8 Questions
- Stopnja 200
25. april 2013 16:10
Still wondering about Windows 8? Got a few nagging questions remaining? Relax, we thought you might, so our closing session features uber-Windows-guy Stephen Rose and Master Windows Explainer Mark Minasi in a fast-paced, entertaining and who knows, maybe even funny rapid-fire sequence. You ask, they answer, and everything’s fair game! We know, we know… you were thinking that you’d sneak out of NT Konferenca 2013 just a little early to beat the traffic, but seriously, you do not want to miss the first time in history that The Rose and The Minasi share the stage.