Scott Schnoll (Microsoft) je glavni tehnični pisec v ekipi Exchange pri Microsoftu, kjer skrbi za vsebino načrtovanja in uporabe, visoke razpoložljivosti, odpornost strani, obnovo ob nezgodah ter virtualizacijo za strežnik Exchange. Scott uživa ob pisanju, predavanjih in bloganju o Exchangu. Je priznan pisec, govorec in bloger na temo strežnika Exchange in je tudi avtor knjige »Exchange Server 2003 Distilled« in soavtor »Exchange 2000 Server: The Complete Reference«. Preden se je pridružil Microsoftu je bil dolgoletni nosilec naziva MVP za Exchange, Windows in Right Management Services.
Exchange Server 2013 Virtualization Best Practices
- Stopnja 300
10. april 2014 09:45
This session covers both the requirements and the best practice recommendations for running Exchange Server 2013 in a hardware virtualization environment. It begins with a brief overview of Microsoft’s support requirements for running Exchange in a virtualized environment, and then dives deep into best practices around storage and network configuration and monitoring and advanced hypervisor features.