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Recalling Windows Memories: Useful Guide to Retrieving and Analyzing Memory Content

Acquiring and analyzing physical memory as done by forensics professionals is a crucial skill to understand how an operating system works or worked during the incident. For hobbyists, working with memory can be useful to perform troubleshooting and understand how certain solutions work. Just as it is crucial to understand operating system internals and security aspects, it is equally critical to understand what's in the operating system's memory. The valuable content contains evidence of user actions, hacker's tasks, malicious code behaviors, and the story of what happened on a system. During this session Paula will explain and show the techniques for memory acquisition, techniques for grabbing the juicy data, and why it is so amazing to find someone's memory dump! This session is really intense but practical at the same time, as always it is packed with a lot of live demos and stories! Make sure you leave the party in order to not to miss a thing!

Paula Januszkiewicz