Goran Šiška ima več kot deset let izkušenj z razvojem najrazličnejših programskih rešitev: od pravnih in geografskih informacijskih sistemov do storitev v oblaku in računalniških iger. Doma se počuti tako pri ustvarjanju uporabniških izkušenj kot optimizaciji indeksov v podatkovnih skladiščih. V zadnjih letih deluje kot pogodbeni razvijalec/svetovalec in, kadar se mu ponudi priložnost, kot predavatelj. Posebno pozornost namenja orodjem in metodologijam, ki omogočajo trajnostni razvoj programskih rešitev.
Unit Tests And Readable Code
- Stopnja 300
09. april 2014 14:45
How to achieve sustainable development? How to prevent development cycle from slowing down, scope from exploding in size and code-base from reaching unmanageable complexity? We'll take a look at unit testing in general and TDD specifically as tools for managing software in its entire lifecycle: from early development to post-deploy maintenance. C# samples included! Our agenda: * What are unit tests? * Benefits of unit testing (first, metrics, testability, extensibility, test driven development) * What is readable code * Benefits of readable code (solid, maintainability) * C# examples (new features and old bugs) * Overview of helpful Tools (NCrunch, ReSharper)