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Arhiv predavanj

Modern Datacenter

You invested a lot into your datacenter in the past years. It is running smoothly, automated and efficiently. But sooner or later a time will come to expand, replace or just tweak it. And Since you want to enable it for the future, the question pops up – What should be the architecture and strategy for the next 10 years. This whole day seminar will cover all those topics: Modernize your Datacenter with Software Defined Networks and Software Defined Storage Intro to Microsoft Azure and how it can become your “off-premise” Datacenter Let’s start with Azure IaaS Creating workloads with Microsoft Azure Utilizing Microsoft Azure networking Getting started with Microsoft Azure storage Extending your Datacenter with Microsoft Azure – options in details Bonus stage, if time shall allow – Azure Active Directory, future of Cloud Identities It will be a hands-on workshop, so bring your own laptop and you will be able to try all the presented topics.

Luka Manojlovic

MA-NO d.o.o.


Aleksandar Đorđević


14 years in ICT industry, mainly focused on infrastructure and security related topic. Worked with different OS’s, Network and Solutions platforms such as IBM, SGI, Microsoft, Cisco, HP, Check Point and etc. Currently working at Microsoft as Technical Evangelist for Cloud and Infrastructure, covering Central and Eastern Europe Region. I’m driving Cloud and Infrastructure Optimization workshops, performing gap analysis and enabling better IT2Business alignment. Also, exploring possibilities and engaging with IT Pro communities to create more agile and business centric ICT ecosystem. If you want to connect, follow and etc., you can reach out and find me at LinkedIn: http://rs.linkedin.com/pub/aleksandar-djordjevic/1/831/553/