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Arhiv predavanj


Seminar je namenjen spletnim razvijalcem, ki bi radi spoznali ali pa osvežili znanje Microsoftove spletne razvojne platforme. Pogledali si bomo novosti na področju platforme Microsoft ASP.NET 5, orodja, ki nam omogočajo izgradnjo bogatih, dinamičnih spletnih aplikacij. Vodili vas bomo skozi celotno zgodbo pričetka gradnje aplikacije do objave v spletu in izkoristku orodja ter platforme Microsoft Azure. Podrobno bomo raziskali ASP.NET 5, Owin, ASP.NET Azure Web App / Web API ter shranjevanje podatkov (Microsoft Azure SQL, DocumentDB). Udeležence čaka malo prezentacij ter veliko praktičnih primerov s strani avtorjev delov orodja ter ogrodja ( Mads Kristensen, Brady Gaster) in strokovnjakov z veliko praktičnimi izkušnjami (Rok Bermež, Anže Vodovnik).

Anže Vodovnik

SAOP d.o.o.

Anže Vodovnik is a Software Architect at SAOP (http://www.saop.si) in charge of development of the next generations of ERP products. In the last decade he helped architect, develop and launch several high-profile web applications and is a regular speaker at conferences and community events. He also tries to regularly blog at www.vodovnik.com, and is incredibly active on Twitter (@avodovnik).  

Rok Bermež

Kompas Xnet

Rok Bermež works as a Software Engineer and Microsoft Certified Trainer at Kompas Xnet. His primary interests include cloud computing and web development. With extensive experience in development and architecture he participated in many projects and since the CTP release of Windows Azure much of those projects are based on Windows Azure platform. Rok has been delivering courses, writing code and speaking at conferences and community events on Microsoft technologies for the last couple of years. You can find him at http://xblogs.kompas-xnet.si/ and on Twitter (@Rok_B).  

Mads Kristensen


Mads Kristensen is a Sr. Program Manager on the Web Platforms & Tools team at Microsoft working on the web developer experiences of Visual Studio. He has over a decade of experience in developing web applications on the Microsoft platform which got him the honor of becoming both an ASP.NET MVP and ASPInsider. Mads is also the creator of BlogEngine.NET, Web Developer Checklist, SchemaStore.org and Web Essentials, Image Optimizer and Voice Commands for Visual Studio.  

Brady Gaster


Brady Gaster is a Program Manager on the Azure SDK and Web Tools Extensions teams at Microsoft. He helps create tools and SDKs to make it easier for developers to party in the cloud, like Azure Tools in the Web Tools Extensions for Visual Studio, the Azure Management Libraries for .NET, and the Azure Management Libraries for Java. He likes to talk about his favorite technologies - Azure, ASP.NET, Web API, SignalR in sessions and on his blog, www.bradygaster.com. You can find Brady on Twitter at @bradygaster when he's not tinkering with the ASP.NET stack, Azure, devices running the .NET Micro Framework, or making music in his basement.