Začnimo na Začetku: Osnove strežnika SQL Server
- Stopnja 200
18. maj 2015 13:15
Naj gre za veliko ali malo aplikacijo, za domačo ali službeno rabo, vedno je nekje v ozadju podatkovna baza. Eden najbolj iskanih kadrov v IT so upravljalci podatkovnih baz. Mojstri svoje obrti skrbijo, da podatkovna zbirka teče hitro in gladko, da je varna pred vsiljivci in izgubo podatkov. Začnite na začetku, izgubite strah in začnite svojo pod do ljubiteljskega ali profesionalnega upravljalca podatkovnih baz in strežnikov. Več o vsebini: You did WHAT to my Transaction Log? The transaction log is fundamental to SQL Server's ability to ensure that the associated database is always in a consistent state. This session will describe with simple graphics exactly what's in the transaction log, and how SQL Server uses it. Armed with this knowledge, you will be able to appreciate the dangers of some of the quick-fix advice that you will find on various online websites and forums, to resolve the problem of a full transaction log. I'll also offer tips on how to avoid excessive logging becoming a bottleneck, and affecting the performance of user transactions. Uncovering Query Problems with Execution Plans An execution plan will tell you exactly what steps SQL Server took, and what operations it performed, in order to return the data that your query needed. Sometimes, the plan for even the most innocuous-looking query can reveal surprises. This sessions will provide a quick start guide to retrieving and reading execution plans, showing a technique that will allow you to find the most expensive and long-running queries in your application, and offering tips that will simplify execution plan analysis, and locate quickly the root cause of the problem.