Gorazd have more than 15 years of experience working in IT industry. Last years he is involved in largest and most complex Datacenter and Cloud Infrastructure projects worldwide working as Solution Architect. He is part of WW Center of Excellence team inside Microsoft which covers Fortune 500 customers and largest Service Providers.
Hibridni oblak: Osnove infrastrukture kot storitve (IaaS)
- Stopnja 200
18. maj 2016 10:15
Microsoft Azure predstavlja množico storitev v oblaku. Infrastruktura kot storitev (IaaS) je samo ena v množici storitev, ki jo lahko uporabite kot svoj podatkovni center ali pa kot razširitev obstoječega podatkovnega centra v javnem oblaku. V predavanju si bomo ogledali osnovne gradnike IaaS ter njihove lastnosti in uporabo.