Aleksandar Nikolic is a Cloud and Datacenter Management MVP, Microsoft Azure MVP, Azure Advisor and Insider, a co-founder of, and the community manager of He is very experienced presenting and speaking to Microsoft customers, and have facility for describing complex management and automation tasks even to beginning and novice users and scripters. He also delivers PowerShell and Azure training courses around the world. For the last couple of years he's been working closely with Microsoft Azure PowerShell and Azure Automation teams providing feedback and influencing design of Azure automation solutions. You can find him on Twitter ( and LinkedIn (
Kontejnerji v Windows server 2016
- Stopnja 300
18. maj 2016 14:30
V novem strežniku bomo imeli na voljo tudi kontejnerizacijo, ki jo nekateri poznajo iz odprtokodnega sveta. Predavanje bo namenjeno trenutnim funkcionalnostim, ki jih t.i. Windows server containers in Hyper-V containers ponujajo, kako jih kreiramo, kako z njimi ravnamo in kakšna orodja so nam na voljo za njihovo upravljanje. Kontejnerji vpeljujejo v Windows okolja povsem nov pogled na deployment aplikacij in storitev – pogled, ki bo zagotovo spremenil način dela v prihodnosti.