Brady Gaster is a Program Manager on the Azure App Service Visual Studio tools team at Microsoft. He helps create tools and SDKs to make it easier for developers to party in the cloud. Brady likes to talk about his favorite technologies - Azure, SignalR, ASP.NET, REST APIs, and IoT - in sessions and on his blog, You can find Brady on Twitter at @bradygaster when he's not tinkering with the ASP.NET stack, Windows Azure, devices running the .NET Micro Framework, or making music in his basement using various synthesizers, guitars, and turntables.
RESTful Web Services: ASP.NET and Azure API Apps
- Stopnja 300
18. maj 2016 10:15
This demo-heavy session will walk you through API Apps to help you get up to speed with this cool technology. You'll learn how API Apps fit into Azure App Service, how App Service provides functionality like CORS and Swagger metadata and RESTful client code generation using the Visual Studio tools for App Service. We'll also dive into how API Apps drive other areas of App Service to provide you a baseline for RESTful API-backed topologies and how Azure API Apps can be used in conjunction with API Management to provide detailed visibility into how customers are using your RESTful APIs. Come along for an informative, demo-filled, fun session with Azure App Service.