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How to start your own startup

You think about starting your own start-up, you have a great idea and a million questions. How do you find people, how do you find a working space, how do you get financial support and survive, how do you talk to investors, how do you check if anybody would buy your product/service, how do you find clients.... This session will not give you a manual, but it will tell you a story of a start-up that went through all this phases in year and a half.

Andrej Radinger


Andrej Radinger is Microsoft Windows Platform Development MVP, MCSD, MCDBA, MCT. Andrej is founder of Mobendo, company focused on implementing Mobile Solutions into enterprise environment and developing mobile client applications as well as various consumer applications. Andrej has over 20 years of experience as a developer, trainer and consultant, with over 18 years of experience working on all aspects of mobility and is focused on Microsoft technology. He is also active in a local mobility user group. Andrej has developed various mobility applications, ranging from data collection and mobile sales, to warehouse and asset inventory and consumer Windows Phone apps. Andrej is a regular speaker at Microsoft events in the region, including TechEd.