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Arhiv predavanj

Azure Active Directory Identity Protection

The identities of your users are under the constant risk of attack but it can be hard to keep track of potential threats to such a rapidly evolving world. In this session, Luka Obersnu talks about Azure AD Identity Protection. This new capability identifies potential threats on the fly (such as leaked credentials, connections from unknown or anonymized networks, brute force attacks and more) and "scores" your users' risk level before granting access. If the risk is too high for your organization, you can prompt for additional authentication factors or block the access.

Luka Obersnu

Microsoft d.o.o.

Luka Obersnu dela v ekipi Microsoft Services kot Premier Field Engineer za področje Windows Platforms, Active Directory ter Active Directory Federation Services. Z Microsoftovimi tehnologijami se poklicno ukvarja od leta 2002. Svoje znanje nenehno izpopolnjuje s pomočjo sodelavcev, delom na projektih, samoizobraževanjem kot tudi z obiskom Microsoftovih internih treningov. Svoje znanje potrjuje z opravljanjem Microsoftovih izpitov.