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Arhiv predavanj

Transforming affordable connectivity into real-time actionable business analytics using AI in the cloud

In many cases providing Wi-Fi connectivity is a cost of doing business. Businesses are locked into expensive connectivity solution by Wi-Fi solution providers. CloudMondo provides hardware agnostic, enterprise grade solution at consumer price that provides advanced real-time business analytics using advanced AI algorithms.

Bojan Likar

CloudMondo d.o.o.

Bojan is a serial entrepreneur with deep technical expertise and experience in wireless and wired networking. Prior to Co-founding CloudMondo, Bojan founded Accelera Mobile Broadband, Inc., in 2009. He co-founded Telsima corporation, provider of WiMAX broadband wireless solutions. At Telsima, Bojan led the development and deployment into production of one of the World’s largest WiMAX operational networks, totaling 50,000 base sectors. At Telsima, he served as VP Engineering and VP Business Development until it was acquired by Aviat Networks. Bojan served as CTO at Iskratel where he was responsible for product strategy, product roadmap as well as development of key technology partnerships for the company. Bojan holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.