Rok Bermež works as a Software Architect at the connectivity team at the Gorenje Group. His primary interests include cloud computing and mixed reality development. With extensive experience in development and architecture he participated in many projects and since the CTP release of Microsoft Azure much of those projects are based on Microsoft Azure platform. Rok has been delivering courses, writing code and speaking at conferences and community events on Microsoft technologies for the last couple of years.
Azure IoT Hub
- Stopnja 300
21. maj 2019 07:00
Internet stvari je tu in prinaša ogromno novih priložnosti ter s tem orodja, ki se jih je treba naučiti. Na tem predavanju se bomo seznanili z Azure IoT Hubom in naučili, kako s pomočjo .NET Cora zgraditi celotno IoT rešitev, tako na strani naprave kot na strani oblaka.