Matija Lah ima več kot 17 let izkušenj s strežnikom Microsoft SQL Server, pretežno z arhitekturo rešitev upravljanja podatkov pravne narave. Med leti 2007 in 2017/2018 je bil za svoje sodelovanje v skupnostih SQL Server nagrajen z nazivom Most Valuable Professional (Data Platform). Matija se pretežno ukvarja z upravljanjem in rabo pravnih informacij ter s procesiranjem besedil v naravnih jezikih.
Fun with Legal Information in SQL Server: Correlating Offers and Counter-offers
- Stopnja 400
21. maj 2019 14:15
In this session you will learn about a typical challenge in legal information management: how to determine whether two (or more) offers to sell, or purchase, products (or services) represent the basis of a legally binding contract. You will learn which techniques are used to correlate the data in terms of the range of objects, their quantities, their qualitative properties, while also taking into account the temporal properties of the offers. You will also learn how clustered columnstore indexes can be used to improve the efficiency of the queries needed to solve this important legal problem.