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Poslovna vertikala - Zdravstvo

Kaj prinaša tehnologija in kje je zdrava meja? Umetna inteligenca je že desetletja v rabi tudi v medicini in v to panogo vedno znova prinaša revolucionarne nove možnosti. Nihče ni nikdar pričakoval, da bo diagnostično delo v medicini tako časovno potratno, a vsi se lahko strinjamo, da bližnjic žal ni, saj so ravno od diagnostike odvisni nadaljnji koraki obravnav pacienta. Pa vendar – pomoč je na vidiku! si Napredni algoritmi so že danes sposobni vizualne vzorce prepoznati z do deset odstotkov večjo natančnostjo kot zdravnik, ki bi imel teoretično na voljo neomejeno količino časa; v kardiologiji, na primer, pametne 'nosljive' naprave v realnem času beležijo podatke o srčnem delovanju, zaznavajo anomalije in preventivno sprožijo poziv k ukrepanju; pri operacijah v celjski bolnišnici sodelujejo tudi robotske medicinske roke – in to je le nekaj uspešnih primerov uporabe umetne inteligence v zdravstvenem sektorju. V sklopu vertikale zdravstvenega sektorja si bomo pogledali, kaj prinaša tehnologija in kje je zdrava meja, če govorimo o posameznikih, zdravnikih, na nasprotnem bregu pa o računalnikih in umetni inteligenci? Kakšna so prizadevanja države pri adaptaciji najnovejših tehnologij v zdravstvu? Kaj pa pomembnost podatkov? Kako pravilni, najnovejši podatki pacientov pomagajo pri sprejemanju pravilnih odločitev zdravljenja v ključnih trenutkih, k hitrejšemu postavljanju diagnoz, bolj kakovostnemu delu zdravnikov? Na vertikali zdravstvenega sektorja torej o tem, kako se bo umetna inteligenca v prihodnosti spreminjala, oziroma, kako že danes spreminja medicino in zdravstvo. Predavanja: UNDERUSE OF TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTHCARE Luciano Floridi, University of Oxford PROGRAMSKA OPREMA KOT STORITEV ZA SODOBNA IN UČINKOVITA ZDRAVSTVENA OKOLJA (PRIMER IRIS) Aleš Leskošek, Comtrade E-OBVLADOVANJE ZDRAVSTVENIH PROCESOV IN STORITEV Siniša Košćina, IN2 Janko Cajhen, Sicom DIGITALNA PREOBRAZBA PROCESOV V BOLNIŠNICI TOPOLŠICA Marko Oberstar, Bolnišnica Topolšica Lado Modic, SRC Infonet Marko Poljak, Newton Dictate USPOSABLJANJE V SIMULACIJSKEM CENTRU S POMOČJO NAVIDEZNE RESNIČNOSTI Uroš Zafošnik, Zdravstveni dom Ljubljana, Simulacijski center OBLAČNA INFRASTRUKTURA POŠTE SLOVENIJE V SLUŽBI SLOVENSKEGA (E-)ZDRAVSTVA Smiljan Švarc, Pošta Slovenije DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN HEALTHCARE IN PRACTICE Ratko Mutavdžić, Microsoft Okrogla miza: RAČUNALNIKI VS. ZDRAVNIKI, KJE JE ZDRAVA MEJA? Povezuje: Marko Marn, Microsoft SB Jesenice UKC Lj

Ula Kepežinskaite Duric

Microsoft d.o.o.

Ula Kepežinskaite Duric received the title of Master of Science at the Faculty of Economy at the University of Vilnius, Lithuania, in 2002. For more than 20 years, she has been working in various IT companies as sales executive for business development and sales of complex IT solutions and services in the region. Since 2017 @ Microsoft she has been driving sales and business development of the public sector in Slovenia and Croatia, with the goal to empower public sector employees and transform public sector services for citizens with the help of Microsoft technology and cooperation with the Microsoft partner ecosystem.  

Marko Poljak

NEWTON Technologies Adria d.o.o.

I am Executive Director of NEWTON Technologies Adria, market leader and the only company developing speech-to-text technology and services for Adria region with over 1000 users in Croatia alone, and a member of the Board of the sister company Presscut. I graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Zagreb and I am currently on a PhD program "Strategic Communication Management" on Alma Mater Europae in Slovenia. My work experience begins in student days, as a demonstrator at the courses of Informatics, Mathematics and International Economics, and student practice as an analyst at the Croatian National Bank Statistics Department and as a Relationship Manager at Commerzbank AG in Frankfurt am Main, Mittelstandsbank - Financial Institutions (CEE & Turkey) for 13 countries. Additionally, I was a scholar at the Internship Program of German Business - Ost - Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) also CEEPUS (Österreicher Austauschdienst - OeAD) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF). I joined the Presscut team as a Project Manager where I worked on planning and organizing projects such as the Croatian speech-to-text system. Since 2011 I have been working in Presscut to plan and implement strategies, business models, process management and core business projects, as well as analyzing, investing, setting up and implementing the Quality Management System (ISO 9001 and EN15038). As company director since 2016 I am using all of my knowledge and experience to focus on company's establishment, business development, products, business models, sales and market education. I enjoy spending time in nature with my dog, good cup of tea, reading, researching and testing new technologies, riding a bike, and I also like to get into boxing ring from time to time.  

Aleš Leskošek

Comtrade d.o.o.


Ratko Mutavdzic


Ratko Mutavdžić is Director, Cloud Services for Public Sector in Central Eastern Europe, with Microsoft. He was working on several management position in Microsoft, driving solution developments Public Sector, starting in a consulting practice and then leading several different sales and technology teams. Currently he is working on a number of advanced technology and platform topics, like Data Science, CyberSecurity, CyberResiliency and enabling them through the use of cloud platforms and technologies, where he research the methodologies and frameworks on how to deliver more efficient and resilient Government and Enterprise environments. He is the author of number of published papers on different aspects of the technology, successful blogs on new technologies, change and transformation and active contributor in a number of social networks exploring the use and advance of new ways to connect and share innovation and invention.  

Siniša Košćina

IN2 d.o.o.

Siniša Košćina was born in 1974 in Zagreb. He graduated in computer science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (FER Zagreb, Croatia) in 1999, and finished MBA on IEDC Bled Slovenia in 2013. Currently he is a Deputy Executive Director in the Healthcare sector of IN2 group for the last 4 years (working in IN2 for last 15 years), and before that he has years of experience in managing IT projects in various industries (telecom, transportation, finance ...). In the current field of Health IT, he finished 2.5 year project as PM on implementation of integrated hospital information system at University hospital Zagreb, between 2012. and 2014. he was project manager on eWaiting lists & eOrdering project for the Ministry of Health of Republic of Croatia in cooperation with the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance, as well as a leading a similar national project in Republic of Slovenia. Currently he holds a position as business development manager for international HIS line of business. Through participation in other eHealth projects, and participation in conferences devoted to the IT in health business processes, acting on the board of HL7 Croatia and occasional having lectures at the Faculty on Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences in Zagreb, he actively participates in the development of eHealth environment in the region.  

Marko Marn

Microsoft d.o.o.


Marko Oberstar

Bolnišnica Topolšica


Lado Modic

SRC Infonet d.o.o.


Luciano Floridi

University of Oxford

Luciano Floridi is Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information at the University of Oxford, where he directs the Digital Ethics Lab of the Oxford Internet Institute, and is Professorial Fellow of Exeter College. He is also Turing Fellow and Chair of the Data Ethics Group of the Alan Turing Institute. His areas of expertise include digital ethics, the philosophy of information, and the philosophy of technology. Among his recent books, all published by Oxford University Press (OUP): The Fourth Revolution - How the infosphere is reshaping human reality (2014), winner of the J. Ong Award; The Ethics of Information (2013); The Philosophy of Information (2011). His most recent book, The Logic of Information, will be published by OUP in 2019.  

Uroš Zafošnik



Janko Cajhen

Sicom d.o.o.


Smiljan Švarc

Pošta Slovenije d.o.o.

Smiljan Švarc, vodja Oddelka za sistemski inženiring v Področju za informacijsko tehnologijo na Pošti Slovenije na področju informatike in komunikacij deluje že od ustanovitve podjetja. Je soavtor razvoja Področja za informatiko in številnih projektov na informacijskem infrastrukturnem področju, kar predstavlja več kot 560 lokacij na območju celotne države in več kot 20.000 kosov informacijske opreme. S svojim delovanjem je pripomogel, da je Pošta Slovenije v strokovni javnosti danes prepoznavna tudi na področju informacijske tehnologije, saj pri načrtovanju novih informacijskih storitev nenehno uvaja najnovejše tehnologije. Aktivno je sodeloval tudi pri načrtovanju in izgradnji robustne infrastrukture za šaltersko poslovanje, poslovnega okolja ter sodobnih in zanesljivih storitev podatkovnih centrov ter PosiTa IT storitev kot so varna hramba in storitve iz naslova računalništva v oblaku. Nedavno pa je uspešno sodeloval pri implementaciji Azure Stack in pridobitvi certifikata ISO27001 in ocene skladnosti in razpoložljivosti podatkovnih centrov po TIER klasifikaciji.