As the General Manager of a region comprising from 24 countries in CEE and Central Asia (Multi-country for short), Anke den Ouden is responsible for running all facets of the business. She has a 200+ people organization across all subsidiaries. Anke has a proven executive management record of accomplishment and over 20 years of experience driving sales growth and business transformation in the technology industry. Prior to becoming General Manager, Anke was Senior Director CDS (Consumer Device Sales) in Russia, responsible for growing the consumer device sales organization in times of political and economic crisis. She drove the optimization of the partner ecosystem and developed new business areas around IoT, DAAS and industry solutions within Retail customers. Previously, she held different management roles inside Microsoft covering different segments like Director of the OEM CEE HQ department or driving the Small & Medium Customer Sales & Partner Team in the Polish subsidiary. Before joining Microsoft, Anke worked for 7 years in Mars in the Procurement and Marketing department. Anke is part of the leadership team of Microsoft Central and Eastern Europe and is the Executive sponsor and developer of the CDS MACH organization (trainee program) in CEE. She earned a BA degree at the European Secretarial Academy in Marketing, Economics, Administration, languages.
Digitalizacija in okrevanje gospodarstva
- Stopnja POSEL
28. september 2021 08:00
ECONOMIC RECOVERY AND BUILDING RESILIENCE // Anke Den Ouden, generalna direktorica, Microsoft Multi-Country There is no doubt that with recent changes, we have seen multiple years’ worth of digital transformation happen in a matter of months. Companies and businesses are searching for safe, new ways to continue critical work, and with the power of digital technology every aspect of business operation is becoming more resilient and transformed. Microsoft solutions are here to help everyone remain protected and grow the top line, develop agile operations, enable employees to collaborate remotely, accelerate data and digital platforms to improve stability and network resilience, enhance cybersecurity and strengthen financials by simplifying cost optimization. Slovenian leaders who took bold steps in digital transformation – who responded to the pandemic, recovered and reimagined their business – now are role models for further adopters, and they are an inspiration for managers are learning, growing and becoming stronger. They also have a unique opportunity to help their customers make the most out of these challenging times. DIGITALNI PREBOJ ZA MODERNO SLOVENIJO //Mark Boris Andrijanič, minister za digitalno preobrazbo NOVE GONILNE SILE DIGITALIZACIJE // Ula Kepežinskaite Duric, vodja prodaje javnemu sektorju, Microsoft Slovenija Veliko organizacij in podjetij se je zavestno odločilo izvajati konkretne aktivnosti za digitalno transformacijo. Vendar imamo veliko takih, kjer transformacija se dogaja nedeklarativno, vendar ima silovit vpliv na spremembe v organizaciji. V času novih izzivov so se navezala nova partnerstva, s pomočjo neformalnih digitalnih evangelistov v organizaciji so se spremenili načini dela oz delovni procesi in celo nove storitve s pomočjo modernih orodij, pristopov, ki do sedaj še niso bili odkriti. KAJ IMAJO SKUPNEGA MILKSHAKE, PRODAJA AVTOMOBILOV IN DIGITALIZACIJA // Blaž Strle, COO, BE-terna group Digitalna transformacija – najbolj »prežvečena« tema zadnjih dveh let. Če ni drugega odgovora na postavljeno vprašanje, je odgovor vedno digitalizacija. Zakaj je več kot 70 % digitalnih transformacij neuspešnih in kaj imata skupnega pri tem milkshake in nakup avtomobila? Odgovor je pravzaprav zelo enostaven, treba je zastaviti le pravo vprašanje. Ampak kaj je sploh vprašanje? AVTOMATIZACIJA POSLOVNIH PROCESOV V PRAKSI // Marko Jovanović, Head of Account Development, Comtrade // Aleš Leskošek, Executive Director