Sem BI navdušenec, ljubitelj Excela ter Power BI sveta ter MVP za Excel. Svojo navdušenost in znanje delim preko podjetja Excel Olympics v obliki tečajev, projektov ter predavanj na konferencah po vsem svetu. Moja pot do večne sreče v profesionalnem svetu je vsako leto deliti znanje Excela s skoraj 500 tečajniki ter poslušalci in jim pokazati, kako z Excelom ter Power BI-jem postati produktivni preko njihovih pričakovanj.
Extending the Date Table in Power Pivot and Power BI
- Stopnja 300
28. september 2021 11:00
The regular Date (Calendar) Table is a standard of any reporting these days. But it lacks versatility and the amount of report diversity it allows, particularly in Power BI. This session will cover extending the regular Calendar table by adding several new columns (primarily dependent on a single column) and, in the process, changing your Power BI reports and Dashboards forever! This simple Date Table extension will also prove to be the solution to many quirks of Power BI.