Sem edini Slovenec z nazivom MVP za Excel. Svojo navdušenost in znanje delim preko podjetja Excel Olympics v obliki tečajev, projektov ter predavanj na konferencah po vsem svetu. Moja pot do večne sreče v profesionalnem svetu je vsako leto deliti znanje Excela s skoraj 500 tečajniki ter poslušalci in jim pokazati, kako z Excelom, Officeom 365 ter Power BI-jem postati produktivni preko njihovih pričakovanj.
How modern Excel Works
- Stopnja 300
27. september 2022 08:15
In the last four years, a lot has changed in Excel. Changes have been made to the very core of Excel - the Calc Engine. And with the dynamic arrays came the lambda functions and a few other additions that changed how we (should) use and will use Excel going forward. In this session, I will go through some business scenarios using modern Excel and all its benefits to show you how the Microsoft BI landscape has changed from the ground up.