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Arhiv predavanj

Supercharging your .NET web development with F# and WebSharper

Whether you have an existing C# web project or you are about to embark on a new project, you should definitely consider what F# can bring to it. You won’t be disappointed. Concise syntax and a functional mindset not only lead to shorter code but also to code that is easier to maintain and quicker to develop. In this talk, I will delve into writing full-stack, reactive .NET web applications in F# with WebSharper with stunning brevity, without a single line of JavaScript, showing you the best and quickest way to develop SPAs, client-server applications, static web applications, and even microservices.

Adam Granicz


Adam Granicz (@granicz) is a 12x F#/.NET MVP and the coauthor of five F# books, a key F# community member and evangelist, a regular speaker at developer conferences and workshops, and the CEO of IntelliFactory, the F# company specializing in training, consulting and developing functional, reactive web and cloud applications.