After exciting professional beginnings as games developer in assembler for 8-bit processors, thesis on real-time operating system and demanding development of expert systems, last ten years he has dedicated to design and development of portfolio management systems for financial institutions and their integration in enterprise environments. In hard-to-find free time he leads local Microsoft Community. Based on experience in game development, every byte and every processor tick is important to him, so he really enjoys optimizing systems, using all available resource to make them run faster, better and more reliable.
Artificial Intelligence - Real Life Scenarios
- Stopnja 200
26. september 2023 08:00
In recent years, we've all heard a bunch of times that Artificial Intelligence is the future. But what is the actual situation today? In the lecture, we will go over the basics of ML/AI, what it is and how it all works, how it is all covered in Cognitive Services and what are the possible applications of these cool new technologies. We'll show you how for our latest product we've easily used a bunch of AI capabilities from Microsoft Cognitive Services and Form Recognizer to make a "competitive edge" to a competition that hasn't thought of it yet. We will also try to spark a discussion about how you have used AI or where you see it could be used the best.