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Copilot - Your best partner in defining and refining user requirements

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Refinement of user specifications and requirements is a key activity in the development process. Product Owners, analysts, and other team members collaborate daily to analyze and understand user needs. They aim to create clear product backlog items that accurately describe these needs and provide the team with all the necessary information for effective solution implementation. In this session, we will provide an overview of essential user requirement management techniques (Product Backlog Management), including the format and content of user stories, refinement techniques (refinement, slicing), and development planning (Roadmaps, User Story Mapping). The central focus of this lecture will be on how Copilot can dramatically improve how you refine user requirements. Copilot's unique understanding of the codebase, combined with its ability to suggest text in real-time, significantly enhances the efficiency of writing requirements. We will demonstrate how Copilot excels at creating acceptance criteria, writing comprehensive tests, and generating test data. Additionally, we will share practical tips on maximizing productivity while ensuring the quality and completeness of your written user requirements. We will also point out known issues in working with Copilot and how to avoid them. Join us in a conversation with Copilot, a specialist in code and user requirement refinement, regardless of their domain and complexity!

Ana Roje Ivancic

Agilist IT Ltd

Ana is an accomplished Agile and DevOps consultant with 20 years of experience in professional software development and deep expertise in Azure DevOps. She believes that combining agile processes, people practices, technical excellence, and integrated tools can foster an environment where continuous value delivery thrives. As a Microsoft DevOps MVP, Ana is skilled in optimizing processes to enhance development team efficiency. As a Professional Scrum Trainer at Scrum.org, she empowers teams of varying sizes with Scrum training and coaching. Ana is a familiar figure at local and international industry conferences and regularly delivers training workshops.

Ognjen Bajic

Agilist IT Ltd.

Ognjen Bajic is a DevOps Consultant, Professional Scrum Trainer, and Coach with over 25 years of experience in professional software development. Specializing in Microsoft ALM/DevOps tools, he worked with Team Foundation Server (TFS) and later with Azure DevOps since 2004. Ognjen helps teams and organizations adopt agile tools and practices, automate and optimize their development processes and achieve excellence in continuous delivery and DevOps. In his work with teams, focusing on all three aspects of DevOps, people, processes, and tools, he helps them successfully deliver high-quality software often. Ognjen has been speaking extensively at various local and international conferences. He has been awarded by Microsoft as an MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for Visual Studio and Development Technologies annually since 2006. He also holds several Microsoft development, project management, and Scrum certifications.