Experienced Channel Manager with long history in IT industry with strong technical background. Radek started his international career a "couple" years ago as engineer in Sun Microsystems, later working for companies like EMC, Brocade and Barracuda. In Delinea he is responsible for region of Central Europe and Central Asia.
Every ID is privileged ID
- Omrežja, varnost in identitete
- torek 11:00 - 11:45
- Mediteranea 2
- Nivo 100
- Demo 0%
- Konferenca TECH NETW
Predavanje je v angleškem jeziku.
Companies are using more and more IT systems. Each of them have associated identities, both human and non-human related. Systems are no longer located in our own data center which we can control, but also in many clouds. So controlling all of these identities, understanding how users are using them vs. how they should use is critical to proper functioning of our enterprise. During this presentation we will show how Delinea can help you control all identities in your company, manage secure access to critical infrastructure and implement Zero Trust concept
Radek Rafinski
Komentiranje v NTK aplikaciji je mogoče za potrjene udeležence NT konference.
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