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Forensic evidence for insider risk

Predavanje je v angleškem jeziku.

Explore forensic evidence techniques that enhance incident response and ensure compliance with insider risk management. Automated screen recording and other options in practice based on various user action triggers.

Hrvoje Kusulja


Hrvoje Kusulja, Master of IT, also Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Microsoft 365 Apps, Azure and Security as well as Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) for 10+ years. Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of global Nodefusion organization which is Microsoft, IBM, Lenovo partner. Specialist and Team lead of IT projects, system integration and development using Microsoft technologies, for on-premises, cloud, and hybrid. More than 15 years of experience in the IT field balancing IT system and Dev operations, working with the latest Microsoft technologies. Has, multiple certifications from IBM Storage, Lenovo servers, Cisco and mainly Microsoft.

Komentiranje v NTK aplikaciji je mogoče za potrjene udeležence NT konference.

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