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Fortifying Software Projects: Neutralizing Security Incidents with Mitigation Steps

Predavanje je v angleškem jeziku.

Incidents on software development projects happen much more often than you might think. From compromised supply chain to malicious content, phishing attacks and potential threats from within–each poses a significant risk that can bring a million-dollar project to a checkmate position. This engaging session delves into realistic examples of such scenarios, offering insights into effective mitigation strategies. The intended audience encompasses individuals within the development vertical, spanning developers, technical leaders, project managers, and related roles.

Jasmin Azemović

HTEC Group

I'm a CISO, University Professor and ex. Dean. Professionally engaged in the areas of information security, privacy, forensic analysis and database systems for the last 25 years. Currently leading the defensive security department within the HTEC Group. Author of the books: Writing T-SQL Queries for Beginners Using Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Securing SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server on Linux. Microsoft Security MVP and speaker on many IT conferences, events, and panels with more then 150 speaking engagements in the last 18 years.