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Inside Exchange Online

Predavanje je v angleškem jeziku.

In this session, we travel through the universe of the Microsoft 365 Substrate, built on what was formerly known as Exchange Online. We look at how the service is deployed and operated, and how it differs from Microsoft Exchange Server. We deep-dive into areas like storage, compute, connectivity, and high availability, and explore some of the unique ways that the architecture of the service allows us to deliver extremely reliable service to our external and internal customers.

Scott Schnoll

Microsoft Corporation

Scott Schnoll is a Senior Product Marketing Manager on the Microsoft 365 Core and Copilot team. I work on several areas, including Microsoft 365 Copilot, Exchange Online, Exchange Server, Skype for Business Server, and Microsoft 365 Networking.

Ostala predavanja

Microsoft Exchange Tips & Tricks

300 SRV

Copilot for Microsoft 365 Tips & Tricks

300 AIB