Kako prenesemo nastavitve iz GPOjev v Intune? Kaj pa nastavitve registra, bližnjice, datoteke in ostale stvari, katerih smo navajeni iz sveta GPOjev? Kako poskrbimo, da so naše naprave upravljane in varne.
Jan je sistemski arhitekt s specializacijo na področju upravljanja klientov. Največ časa preživi v Windows Deploymentu, upravljanju klientov in reševanju s tem povezanih težav.
Jakob Premrn is a cyber security expert specializing in securing hybrid and multi-cloud environments, risk management, incident response, digital forensics, and security automation. Collaborating with multinational companies in the cyber security arena, Jakob has gained a deep understanding of advanced security architectures and associated challenges.
As a frequent conference speaker, Jakob enjoys sharing his insights and practical strategies to help organizations navigate today’s complex threat landscape. He also writes blogs, offering valuable tips and information to fellow cyber security professionals.
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