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Mastering Azure Network Configurations for Modern Cloud Architectures

Predavanje je v angleškem jeziku.

Networking is becoming increasingly crucial in design, regardless of the workload type in Azure. In this session, we'll focus on all important aspects, from initial setup to network monitoring, with a strong emphasis on security. Most importantly, we'll build a robust network in this demo-heavy session. No storytelling—it's all hands-on, "No Pain No Gain" mode. Perfect for IT pros, network engineers, and cloud architects, this session will elevate your skills and prepare you for the future of cloud connectivity. Join us to build the future together!

Vladimir Stefanović

Schuberg Philis

Meet Vladimir, an experienced Solution Architect with over 15 years of experience in the IT world. Lately, he's been diving deep into the cloud, helping folks figure out the best way to move their stuff around up there. Vladimir is a bit of a Microsoft guru – he's got these titles, MCT and MCT RL, and he's been recognized as an MVP for Microsoft Azure since 2019. He's not just a tech geek, though. Vladimir loves sharing what he knows, and people love listening to him at conferences. He was a community guy. He founded an Azure User Group in Serbia and organized "Azure Saturday" and "Azure Heroines" conferences. Vladimir is an active conference speaker, but also the author of a couple of books about System and Cloud Administration. Since 2021, he is in the Netherlands. Outside of work/community hours, he is a dad and husband, who likes to travel with his family.