Ta spletna stran hrani piškotke, da bi vam zagotovili boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo in popolno funkcionalnost te strani.

Analitične piškotke uporabljamo s storitvijo Google Analytics, samo z vašo privolitvijo. Sprejemam Zavrnitev Več informacij

Microsoft Sentinel - pay less and stay secure

Microsoft Sentinel is a cornerstone of Microsoft Cloud Security Solutions, but to deliver proactive cyber threat detection, investigation, and response it needs logs from all the sources within your organization (servers, networking appliances, storage etc.). Collecting everything can be very expensive, so we want to show you how to optimize log collection, pay less, and stay secure. These are the real notes from the field.

Ljubo Brodarić

Atos Convergence Creators d.o.o.

Ljubo Brodaric is a Global Cloud Security Architect and Senior Expert at Eviden Cyber Security Services and Microsoft MVP Alumni for Cloud and Datacenter Management. He has a long experience in IT, from the on-prem infrastructure to the cloud, lately with a focus on design and implementation of a security solutions based on the various Microsoft cloud security services.

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