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PureStorage - The best storage solution (not only) for Microsoft workloads

Predavanje je v angleškem jeziku.

High performance MSSQL databases on-prem or public services in Azure? Or anything in between? Either way, you cannot make a compromise on how you store your data. In this session you’ll meet Pure Storage, inventor and 10 year leader in all-flash storage, to learn about performance, efficiency, data protection and day to day simplicity. Join us if you don’t have time for disk or complex legacy systems!

Jacint Juhasz

Pure Storage

I stared my carrier as a sysadmin for Windows NT, commercial UNIX systems and Linux. Moved to storage in the early 2000's and stayed there in the past 20 years. I did everything one would like to do in IT, system administration, support, professional services, system architecture, you name it.