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Ten things you need to do to build rock solid Azure tenant

Predavanje je v angleškem jeziku.

Security is integrated in every part of Azure but with a shared responsibility model. Microsoft takes part of some security aspects and enables us to take care of the rest. Every Azure service has security features built in and we have services that are dedicated solely to security. Combining these features and services can bring to rock-solid Azure tenant with no security holes. Come and see how to do it yourself and build a safe Azure environment!

Mustafa Toroman

run.events GmbH

Mustafa Toroman is a technology professional and the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at run.events, a company that provides a platform for organizing and managing events. He has over 20 years of experience in the IT industry and has held various technical and leadership positions in companies around the world. Toroman has a deep understanding of software development, cloud computing, and IT infrastructure management. He has expertise in building scalable and resilient systems that can handle large amounts of data and traffic. He is also a strong advocate for DevOps and believes in continuous improvement and learning. Toroman is a Microsoft Azure MVP (Most Valuable Professional), a frequent speaker at technology conferences and events, and also and a community leader organizing meetups and events. He is also a published author and has written several books on Microsoft technologies and cloud computing.