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Using the Artificial Intelligence to make your real life projects in Financial Sector rock

Predavanje je v angleškem jeziku.

Join us for a journey where we are going to discuss how to use the latest and the greatest AI/ML technologies to make great projects that can be used in real life, namely in the financial industry. We will talk about what we can use and how to improve credit ratings, money laundering control, stock price predictions, document recognitions, and many others. Let's share your experiences too if you have implemented something is this exciting area.

Bernardin Katić

Hammer d.o.o.

After exciting professional beginnings as games developer in assembler for 8-bit processors, thesis on real-time operating system and demanding development of expert systems, last ten years he has dedicated to design and development of portfolio management systems for financial institutions and their integration in enterprise environments. In hard-to-find free time he leads local Microsoft Community. Based on experience in game development, every byte and every processor tick is important to him, so he really enjoys optimizing systems, using all available resource to make them run faster, better and more reliable. He has been awarded Microsoft MVP for C#, Development Technologies and AI

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