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What are Azure Verified Modules (AVM) and how to use them

Predavanje je v angleškem jeziku.

A year ago, we decided to consolidate code written by different team in Microsoft and to set the standards for what a good Infrastructure-as-Code module looks like. Modules will then align to these standards, across languages (Bicep, Terraform etc.) and will then be classified as Azure Verified Modules (AVM) and available from their respective language-specific registries. AVM is a common code base, a toolkit for our Customers, our Partners, and Microsoft. It’s an official, Microsoft-driven initiative, with a devolved ownership approach to develop modules, leveraging internal & external communities. During this session, we will go over the structure of AVM modules, standards that we follow for Bicep and Terraform modules and demonstrate how they can be used to deploy infrastructure in Azure.

Predrag Jelesijevic

Microsoft Software d.o.o.

Predrag is Cloud Solution Architect and part of Microsoft Technical strategy team (Cloud Engineering and Architecture). During past period he is focused on resiliency and reliability in Azure, helping Microsoft customers and partners to strengthen the resiliency and security of their cloud solutions. He is also part of Azure Verified Modules (AVM) core team.