Sem edini Slovenec z nazivom MVP za Excel. Svojo navdušenost in znanje delim preko podjetja Excel Olympics v obliki tečajev, projektov ter predavanj na konferencah po vsem svetu. Moja pot do večne sreče v profesionalnem svetu je vsako leto deliti znanje Excela s skoraj 500 tečajniki ter poslušalci in jim pokazati, kako z Excelom, Officeom 365 ter Power BI-jem postati produktivni preko njihovih pričakovanj.
Dynamic Arrays in Excel
- Podatki in analitika
- ponedeljek 16:00 - 16:45
- Mediteranea 2
- Nivo 400
- Demo 99%
- Konferenca TECH
Since 2013 and the introduction of Power Query, and possibly with the exception of Python, the biggest changes to Excel have been the Dynamic Arrays. The introduction of Dynamic Arrays literally changed the way Excel's calc engine (the heart of Excel) works. And with the introduction of new Dynamic Arrays functions such as SEQUENCE, SORT, UNIQUE, FILTER, CHOOSECOLS, VSTACK... Excel can now do SQL-like Queries with the use of native formulas. Come and be amazed :)
Gašper Kamenšek
Excel Olympics
Ostala predavanja
Mediteranea 2
ponedeljek, 10:00 - 10:45
Komentiranje v NTK aplikaciji je mogoče za potrjene udeležence NT konference.
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